The Secret to Having an Unmedicated Childbirth

I have recently had several conversations about how to have an unmedicated childbirth, or giving birth without using an epidural or other pain medication. As is to be expected in our culture of hacks, secret formulas, and quick fixes, many people are hoping to discover the secret, the one thing guaranteed to work for them, a trick to ensure their success with as little effort as possible.


And as expected with all big achievements, there is no secret.

No hack.

No quick fix.

No one method, or technique, or birth team, or location, or pre-pregnancy health status, or home induction technique, or comfort measure that will guarantee you will achieve your childbirth goals with no unexpected detours.

No, not even hiring a doula, or planning a home birth, or a birth center birth, or taking a class.

Childbirth is a big thing. It is physical. It is physiological. It is emotional. It is mental. It is spiritual. It is both an individual feat, and a community endeavor. Your pre-pregnancy health does matter, as does your pregnancy health, but those things cannot guarantee any childbirth outcome either. Education and understanding of the physiology make a difference, but neither being uneducated or taking seven different childbirth classes can guarantee you won’t need or want an epidural during your labor. Support matters, but your partner, your doula, or your mom cannot stop you from changing your mind and your plans, or from experiencing complications that require a change of plans.

No. There is no simple fix or guarantee. There are little things you can do to prepare your body, your mind, your birth team, your birthing location, your spirit, to stack the odds in favor of your desired birth. And then, even with all of your preparations, you need a healthy dose of luck too.

I wish I had a magic potion. I wish I could wave a magic wand. I wish I had a set of labor positions and comfort measures that worked every single time. I’m sorry that those things do not exist.

Here is the best I can do in giving you the secret to having an unmedicated childbirth: Set your mind on your goal. Prepare your body, your mind, your emotions, your spirit, your birth team to help you towards your goal. Then, let go of your illusion of control on things that cannot be controlled, like emergencies, your baby’s actions, your health condition, the length of your labor, how you experience childbirth, and explore how you would want to proceed if you do change your birthing plans. There is no secret to having an unmedicated childbirth. But you can give yourself the best chances of having one if you want.