Swaddling Tips

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In the last several months I have had a couple birth doula clients ask me for tips and tricks for keeping their babies inside their swaddles. This is a common issue for new parents, as babies grow and get stronger, and may begin breaking their swaddles before the baby, the parents, or both, are truly ready to transition away from swaddling for sleep. Securing baby’s arms is the key if you want to help your baby stay inside their swaddle, and here are some of my favorite tips and techniques for this.

This is not medical advice, every situation is unique, so if these tips do not match your doctor’s advice, or if your gut is telling you this is not the right advice for you and your baby, then these tips are not for you. My middle baby actually slept better without a swaddle, so we stopped swaddling her at about 10 days old. Our oldest still slept better with the swaddle up until around 5 months old, so we had to use a lot of these tips and tricks on him. And our youngest child liked to be swaddled for naps, but not for nighttime! Learn your baby, if something is not working, change it, and listen to your instincts. I hope you learn something from this video!
